DigiPro WP5540 Graphics Tablet Review

DigiPro WP5540 5.5x4" USB Graphics Tablet w/Cordless Pen (Black)
  • DigiPro WP5540 Graphics Tablet with Cordless...
  • All Mouse functions USB interface
  • Soft-tip pen with 512 levels of pressure for...
  • Capturing signatures and drawing for inserting...
When you are buying a cheaper model of graphics tablet, it can be easy to think that you will be getting a sub-standard model, or one that would not match up to the more expensive and popular models. Well, I guess you could apply that logic to anything you purchase – but the DigiPro WP5540 graphics tablet seeks to buck that trend, with a solid performer that acts like a Wacom but costs a fraction of their prices.

As with most DigiPro tablets, the WP5540 comes with 512 levels of pressure sensitivity in the pen, which is perfect for people who are not overly worried about getting very fine details or producing the next digital masterpiece. One criticism right away would be that the pen has a battery in, unlike the Wacom models. This is not a show stopper at all – but it might find you searching for a battery at the last moment, which can be a pain.

The surface also contains some programmable selectors or buttons that help you open programs, select certain menu functions in your painting program easily and undo work. These are very helpful and also easy to program too.

There are no battery problems with the tablet itself though, as it is connected via USB. The black plastic panel is light and comfortable to hold and work on for long periods. There is also a pen holder at the side too, so you can rest your stylus there when you are not using it. One thing we found was that the nib in the pen acts as a switch, so if you rest it where the nib can be pressed down, your pen battery will run dry overnight!

We were also glad to be able to test this on Windows, Mac and also Linux machines! It is the first tablet we have tried on Ubuntu and it worked ok after a little Googling and installing of drivers.

In conclusion, the DigiPro WP5540 is an excellent budget graphics tablet for the casual user who does not want to spend more money to get a Wacom Bamboo or Intuos. Because it is also compatible with older operating systems, it would be perfect for someone who has an older PC and would like to try out a graphics tablet. Sure, it isn’t a Wacom, but does match up against a similar model admirably. A WP5540 is not going to make you draw or paint any better than a Wacom will, but the overall experience and quality of the more expensive models wins (in my opinion).

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