Adesso Cyberpad P2 Graphics Tablet Review

If you are looking for a graphics tablet that allows you to take it with you when you’re away from your desk – and not be tied to your laptop or your computer all the time, you might want to consider the Adesso Cyberpad A4.

Adesso CyberPad P2 12" x 7" LED Artcraft Tracing Light Pad/Box Artists Drawing Sketching X-ray Viewing Black, CYBERPAD_P2
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This unique device operates in the same way as a normal graphics tablet but looks like a school clipboard.

It uses a standard piece of paper as the main interface and it has an internal memory that allows it to record everything that it written onto it’s surface. All that you need do is to put a piece of paper into place, press a button to start recording and write using the supplied Adesso pen.

Any information you enter onto the page, draw or write is actually captured by the device and stored in it’s memory. Exactly if you were working with a graphics tablet on your computer.

The Adesso Cyberpad P2 is an excellent device if you are away from the office or your desk and then want to capture some written information. It could be used by graphic designers who want to sketch, or editors who need to review papers and documents and would be perfect for students who are capturing hand written notes during a class or lecture.

Who Is The Adesso Cyberpad A4 aimed at?
For home users, it is also great for filling in forms in an instant with the use of the provided software and a word processor such as Microsoft Word. You can use it to enter the information straight to your computer screen.

The A4 sized pad is very versatile and can be used in lots of different ways and as I have said, works with standard piece of A4 or LETTER sized paper.

There is no need for any specialist paper and the tablet is supplied with batteries so you are ready to go straight away. The pen uses special tips to allow the information to be captured and spares are supplied in a handy hidden compartment.

You can also plug the Cyberpad into your computer and use it as a standard USB connected graphics tablet. It operates exactly the same as a normal graphics tablet and although the power of this particular device really comes into its own when you’re away from your computer, it can be used to edit photos and draw in applications such as Adobe Photoshop.

The Adesso Cyberpad also allows you to convert any handwritten text or words into digital text using the supplied OCR software called MyScript, which recognises up to 13 different languages and works really well with device. Imagine being able to convert the notes you took in a meeting straight into a word document!

The device itself is very robust and has 32 MB of internal memory and which is enough for about 99 pages, stored within alphabetical directories. If you want to increase this, there is an SD slot which allows you to put in a memory card to store more pages. You can get covers and binders for the Cyberpad which make it’s use away from the home or office even better.

The Cyberpad has 5 programmable buttons on the left hand side of the unit. These allow you to navigate between pages or erase the contents of one at a single push. The small LCD display lets you see which page you are on and verify actions such as page deletion. The display is small, but perfect for it’s design.

The Adesso Cyberpad P2 is a portable powerhouse that allows you to capture your ideas and images on the move. It is perfect for anyone who might need to write or draw information on a regular basis. If you were considering getting a tablet PC for this function, get one of these instead!

When testing the device we sometimes got confused on which page we were on and started drawing on a new page, only to find that we were actually drawing over an existing one. Practice makes perfect though and we are sure that we would be able to perfect the use of the product had we got more time to spend with it.